Club No 1996

Club No 1996

Thursday, 27 June 2013

The 'Perfect' Word or The Peter Principle?

What another grand meeting of Pania Toastmaster's Club today, a cool day outside but warm in our meeting environment and a great way to spend your lunch hour!
14 members and a guest Graham, joined Toastmaster Craig for the meeting with a full programme of two speeches and a Table Topics Session. Opening on time we started with Table Topics run by Jen , and what an interesting range of topics we had to answer. First up was Ian, who told us about his first car with mahogany lining on the doors and the accelerator between the brake and the clutch!! Must be how they made them in South Africa! Our guest (not for the first time) Graham was next and he told us about his first car, a Hillman Hunter, racy red, and the envy of his classmates (he was 16 at the time), fortunately he survived those times. Next was Wendy, who told us about when she first obtained her Drivers Licence (she was 15 years 3 months old), lived at Mohaka, mother did not drive and even substituted for her father in the local Ambulance when he was not available!!! Unfortunately we only had time for three Table Topics and Cheryl and Noel missed out-but next time!!

The first prepared speech was presented by Laurence when he explained to us the "Peter Principle", which incisively put 'means that people are promoted to their level of incompetence' .Laurence used his own position to explain how this can be overcome and yet still allow people to get job satisfaction and remuneration.An interesting presentation, as a number of members had not previously heard of this principle, and the whiteboard was used well to explain the principle and ways of avoiding it. Laurence was doing the final assignment for another Competent Communicator Award, this being "How to Say It" and there were certainly plenty of words commencing with "p" included. Congratulations Laurence on yet another CC for you and Pania.

Our next speech was presented by Viv "The Perfect Word" and that word was NO, a very well presented ,interesting presentation with much of Viv's usual humour included together with some interesting stories about her youth!! Did you 'know' that No is the only word of more than one letter that actually appears in the Alphabet? ..l m 'n o' p q .... after a few years Viv has learnt to say no-but not to everything-thank goodness! Well done Viv, another excellent speech well on the way to another CC! By the way Viv's objectives were to 'To Get Comfortable With Visual Aids' and she achieved this well.

Speech evaluator's Barbara and Mike gave lots of deserved praise to the speakers and also found some suggestions for them to work on, good evaluations both and they would have made the speakers feel comfortable with their efforts.
Table Topics were evaluated competently by Sue M, with good praise for Jen and her subjects.

The business session included a summary of next week's meeting (Toastmaster is Graeme),handing out a new forward programme and presentation to the incoming Club Executive of their Club Leadership Manuals. (Note; training is on 26th July)
Ian wound up the meeting with a succinct  General Evaluation assisted by Timekeeper Brenda and Grammarian Jan, who utilised a 'incisive' word for her report, and this was utilised (and practised) regularly throughout the meeting.

Best Speaker : Laurence, Best Evaluator; Mike, Best Table Topics; Graeme E.

That's it for Toastmaster's year 2012/13, another good year for the Club, ending with 20 members and 5 Goals on our Distinguished Club Plan, therefore being again A DISTINGUISHED CLUB!!
Well done everyone-you have all contributed.( or as 'young Mr Grace would say " you have all done very well!")
Next meeting 5th July.

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