Club No 1996

Club No 1996

Thursday, 20 June 2013


Dearest Mother,

This was the title of Brenda's speech yesterday, a very personal letter written on the occasion of the fifth anniversary of her mother's death. Brenda inspired us with her words, and also used her delivery skills extremely well. her voice was used as we have not heard it before helping to make an impact on the audience. Well done, Brenda. You will have leaned so much from that assignment.
Graeme evaluated Brenda, giving a 'copybook' evaluation, as a mini-speech with two suggestions for improvement on another occasion.
Brenda received the 'Best Speech' award and Graeme the 'Best Evaluator".
Darryl was the Toastmaster today for his initial foray into Chairmanship of a Toastmaster's meeting.

He choose printing fonts for a theme, and gave us interesting information about five examples; their age, name and common usage. He opened the meeting on time with six members present but before long our numbers swelled to ten!

Barbara, as Table Topics master began her session by calling five members to the front(this was more than was in the audience at that stage!), first person was asked to go to the $2 shop and purchase an item. Next person went to the $2 shop and purchased that item plus one of their own. Third person went to the $2 shop and named the first two items purchased and then added their own. And so on. Three people were 'put out' because they could not name the items already purchased and so two were left.
They 'bought' quite a few things until just Darryl was left, receiving the bar of chocolate as a prize.
Then Barbara (in the second session) produced some headlines from a women's magazine and asked Ian how he would "treat himself". In his humorous way Ian decided that treating himself would be out for lunch. Mike had the chance to talk about "A heroine is Born". His fanciful imagination was put to good use walking to and fro, faster and faster as his mind worked overtime. His admiration for his heroine knew no bounds!
Wendy had the headline "Me Time" to discuss and gave lots of suggestions about the topic. She knows about me time, even if not in regular practise!
For those suggestions and very few ums she was awarded the "Best Table Topics" award.
Barbara introduced a different session very well and summarised the two halves at the end.
Ian was our timekeeper and kept us in check, so we concluded within the time allowed today.
Jan's fingers flew over the pages as she evaluated the Table Topics session as well as 'generally evaluating'.
A very enjoyable meeting, with personal information shared, new information given, humour, some different perspectives and new territory walked for the first time for some members.
Thank you all for your participation.
See you next week-half the year gone already!

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