Today, was a red letter day for Pania Toastmaster's Club, A. we had to quickly find a new venue after the Blind Foundation closed their rooms from outside meetings because of coronavirus and B. we were treated to two excellent speeches on 'styles' , Leadership & Communication!
Anna, as Toastmaster, did a great job of drawing the disjointed program together at The Community Co Lab, attached to the Taradale Town Hall, which was a very spacious and airy venue, even if the acoustics were a little echoee!
The two speakers were Michael (Communication Styles) and Marc (Leadership Styles) both speaking from their respective Pathway assignments and they certainly both demonstrated their specific styles through their interesting and enlightening presentations.
They were well evaluated by Benita (Michael) and Pedro (Marc) who gave them suitable praise and were able to offer some suggestions for improvement. This was Pedro's first speech evaluation and he showed that he will be a worthwhile evaluator for future speakers.
Carol ran the Table Topic's session along the broad lines keeping positive, healthy and happy, appropriate in the current climate.
Four speakers covered their topics well, Peter,Hannah,Sahar and Sandy and Hannah was selected as the Best Table Topic speaking about indoor games she has played. Peter spoke on enjoyable activities (Skiing- if coronavirus allows it this year),Sahar (spending two weeks working from home) and Sandy (who would she like to spend the two weeks isolation with!!)
Mehran, as Timekeeper assisted Anna to keep us pretty well to time.
The General Evaluation and Table Topics Evaluation were forgone due to the meeting needed to discuss the current health problem and it was decided to have a break from regular face to face meeting until 23rd April(when it is to be reassessed) and that on-line meetings will be arranged for 2nd & 16th April.
Best Speaker; Marc
Best Evaluator; Pedro
Best Table Topics ; Hannah
Everyone please keep in touch and look out for details of the on-line meetings, we also take this opportunity to wish Lou well with her Division Contest Humorous Speech which is to be held online on Saturday 18th April (The Division Contest in Dannevirke on this Saturday having been cancelled)
Club No 1996

Thursday, 19 March 2020
Sunday, 15 March 2020
GE’s Report for Thursday the 12th of March
Short and sharp with elbow bumps
A fast efficient, meeting, Paula as
Toastmaster set the scene –putting the agenda on recycled paper and she laid
down the ‘challenge to do the right thing’ in terms of being environmentally
friendly. She suggested cutting out handshaking was appropriate at the moment
and introduced the elbow bump which continued throughout.
Saturday, 7 March 2020
Considering joining a Toastmaster's
club and trying to make sense of what it’s all about by peering into the meeting
via this blog, as it were, from the outside. This is for you. Welcome. Come for
a visit and feel free to bring a friend.
This is usually a report on what the
previous meeting was like; what happened, who spoke and how well and on what
subject matter, who supportively evaluated their performances and what they
thought. That, plus a raft of other narratives as is packed into these
inevitably fascinating exchanges in the short one-hour duration of our weekly
Thursday lunchtime meetings.
Thus, a meeting report is somewhat
redundant for many of the members, because as most of us attended and
participated, we already know exactly what the meeting was like, who spoke,
about what and how well. No description, no matter how fulsome would
sufficiently acquaint the extent of the performances to those members who were
not present. So instead, this time let’s speak directly to those of you who may
be interested for yourself or another in attending a meeting as a guest and are
not yet sure it’s for you. This a good place to start. Plonking yourself into a
chair as a visitor to observe a club meeting would be better, but this will do
for now.
The existing members of Pania
Toastmaster's Club can often be heard saying that the members see themselves
collectively as something of a family. And in so many ways, a family we are. You
learn to trust people at a Toastmasters club because we share a lot about our
lives as we gradually unfold our histories, viewpoints and experiences in our
speeches and in the warm friendships that evolve over time from membership. A
valuable asset.
Like most Toastmaster clubs do of
their local region, Pania reflects the wide diversity of people you see in the
streets of Hawkes Bay. At meetings, we are constantly impressed at how the
intriguing life stories of people speaking so beautifully in an English that is
sometimes a second or third language are related with such depth of emotion and
eloquent expression. Perhaps a quarter or so of the members, with varying
experience are English second-language speakers. There is never a sense that any
linguistic difficulties that may concern them compromise the fluency of their
stories. Their passionate views on life and their search for sharable solutions
for common concerns are delivered with academic accuracy and raw heartfelt
authenticity. We listen to their stories, entreaties, challenges and
experiences, like all the presentations at the club, with delight and deep
The Pania club membership is comprised
roughly a third each of senior, significantly experienced members, those who
have been on board for quite a few years and those who range from recently
joined to having been around for a year or two. Strong threads weave themselves
right though all three groups;
a definable warm welcome and support for new and newish members while they get on their feet,seamless background back-up and mentoring steeped in experience for anyone who wants it or looks like they may welcome it, anda genuine interest in making the club experience astonishingly high-level of speaking ability across the board. Great for learning.
So, if you are looking in from the
outside and wondering what it is; it’s a club of new, experienced, supportive
friends who will ease you into learning, practising and perfecting high-level
public speaking abilities faster than a speeding bullet! (Well, almost!) All
while you having genuine fun,
you’re quickly learning to manage your nervousness and contributing to
your fellow members much more than you might expect.
So wander in at 11:55 am next Thursday
to the club meeting room. All we ask you to do is to stand and introduce
yourself to the meeting, usually 12 - 15 members. Fifteen seconds or so is all.
Who you are, what you do and why you’re here. That covers it.
Better still, call us to say hello and
we'll have a name tag and a welcome ready for you. It’s as easy as that. That’s
what I did. That was over forty years ago. Been in Toastmasters ever since. It
was the best thing I ever did. (Well, maybe the second-best thing! Oh! Perhaps
the third ... well, OK, the fourth. Yeah. The fourth. Mmmm ... maybe the third
after all!)
See you on Thursday then?
Sunday, 1 March 2020
Another fabulous meeting for Toastmasters Pania on Thursday the 27th
of Feb
Our experienced Toastmaster for the day was Craig who ran the meeting
with a reminder that it was National Polar Bear day as well as National Pancake
Day. Graeme called the meeting to order with no clown horn (thank goodness!) and
proceeded to read the club mission statement for us - it is always good to be
reminded of the over-arching goals for our time at Toastmasters.
We kicked straight into table topics ran by Laurel with table topics
based about When, What and Why. Carol had
to tell us about a recent mistake that ended up in stinky mess, Benita told us
about a few temptations she had partaken in, Guest Kerry regaled us about a bad
hair day and Graeme, well Graeme never sticks to the topic so who knows what he
spoke about? Lou evaluated the 4 table
topic speakers and had commendations and recommendations for everyone except
Kerry - who was awarded the best table topic of the day as well!
Paula gave us a warm introduction to our first speech for the meeting
presented by Pedro. It was great that Paula gave us some background information
into Pedro's journey through Toastmasters so far and reminded us that it was
only Pedro's 2nd speech. She also gave some objectives and had some specific
things to look out for. Pedro's very topical speech titled “How not to prepare
for a pandemic” took us through some information about the current
Coronavirus and what was not going so well in the fight against its inevitable
spread. Paula's evaluation covered commendations and recommendations and then
ended on a positive.
Our second speaker Marc was introduced by Anna who let the audience
know that this was a practice run for Marc to be representing Pania Club at the
upcoming speech contest. As we were going to be completing a group evaluation so
Anna also helpfully outlined what we should be looking for to ensure Marc got
some valuable feedback - half of the room focussed on Delivery and the other
half focussed on Content. Marc's speech titled "Sex, Religon and Politics" was a
thought provoking speech about all the things we are safer to avoid in speeches.
The purpose was to make us think, to make us realise how lucky we are to live in
NZ (although we have our own terrible statistics on some issues) and to provoke
the audience into trying to make a difference by talking about and researching
issues such as rape, rascism, politics, gender inequality. We are a proud club
to have Marc representing us at the contest with this hard hitting
completed an evaluation on Marc's speech covering some great points and using the
old rhetoric "Pause, Pitch and Pace" which we can all always apply in our own
speeches as well. The group was then invited to cover anything that Anna may
have missed resulting in a few extra points for Marc to work on - I am sure he
took some valuable feedback from this session.
Time Keeper Hannah finished off with an update on how we ran, and
then after a quick general evaluation (carried out efficiently by Tamara) of everyone we finished our meeting for another
Thanks as always to our Sergeant at arms for having the room set up
for us.
Best Speaker : Marc
Best Evaluator: Anna
Best Table Topic: Kerry
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