Club No 1996

Club No 1996

Wednesday, 15 March 2017


The meeting opened on time and our able toastmaster Craig set the scene by offering us several reminders about the upcoming District Conference , he offered to collect registrations and post them , an offer accepted by many .A really good initiative to get as many along on April 8th as possible .If you were not at the meeting feel free to contact Craig who can furnish you with the necessary info .

Craig got through the housekeeping for the meeting quite quickly as he had a packed program for us .

Mike gave us his word of the day , CONFERENCE and outlined his role as Grammarian .

Table Topics was led by Jane , offering some current affairs curlies to four toastmasters .

Craig kept the meeting going seemlessly with his little co-joining facts about conventions and conferences .

Most of us didn’t know Craig's description of the difference , the few blushing in the audience know who they are !

If you weren’t there and you want to know the difference you will have to come next week and ask Craig yourself .

Introducing the evaluators of the speeches the Toastmaster , "only "told us who was filling the role , not the name of the speaker or anything about the speech that was to follow, very noticeable to this of us who transgress in this area.Perfect example of how its done , thanks Craig .

Linda introduced Carol , who then proceeded to have us all rolling in the aisles as she presented her speech , given at Graeme and Craig's civil union ceremony , who knew !! There was a  lot of well used innuendo and much mirth. This was an "After Dinner Speech" from the Advanced Manual 'Speciality Speeches' .

After all the hilarity died down , Graeme introduced Helen , we wondered if we were in for  more of the same , with her speech entitled “Whats at the end of your  fishing rod“

Happily it was more family orientated .(and it turned out it was Debate!! which Helen had taken a session on at a local school recently!)

Laurel evaluated the Table topics , she gave Jane some  very good suggestions and then introduced us all to a new evaluation method which she has said she will email us all with .

Linda had a difficult job evaluating Carol's speech there was little to recommend and the commendations revolved around Carol's hands and speed of speech .

Graeme gave his usual high quality evaluation of Helen , using the CRC method . Graeme thoroughly addressed the commendations and recommendations .

The meeting went to extra time by consent  of the group . Mike nicked most of the extra time with his grammarian's  report , which in true Mike style was very thorough and displayed a good example of a grammarian's report .

With time running away on us , Russell gave the time keeper's report and Jen gave a very positive account of how she saw the meeting . Feeling lighter and happier we all went home .

Was a wonderful meeting, we all look forward to being together again next week …..when Jane is the Toastmaster .

Best Speech   Carol

Best Evaluator   Laurel

Best Table topic David

Congratulations to Mike on coming 2nd in The Area D2 Evaluation Contest last Friday, and well done to Barbara who was unplaced in the International Speech Contest.

1 comment:

  1. re Laurels suggestion
    it was an approach to base your answer for table topics calling for opinions.
    Opinion, Reason(s),Example(s), Opinion
    but wait!
    there's more ...
    in her forthcoming email.
    No pressure, Laurel
