Club No 1996

Club No 1996

Thursday, 21 August 2014


Thursday's meeting at Pania was a little different to our usual exciting meetings, it was still exciting and educational, but we did not have any prepared speeches as the Area Governor was carrying out his official visit and we had a very interesting bard reading from David, together with an invigorting Table Topics session on party politics.

Toastmaster, Graeme  started the meeting with a very warm welcome(it was a very cold day!) and the nine members who attended were primed up for another great meeting.After General Business was dealt with we went straight into Table Topics supervised by Darryl. He certainly had an interesting and timely theme for us with each speaker able to select a slip of paper at random, with the name of a political party on it and then convince the other members that they were the person to vote for, representing that party, next month!
Barbara was first up and spoke eloquently( as usual) about a party (the name of which escapes me at the moment) convincing us for a short period to vote for her. David got into the Act and said that stood for action, he promised us the earth, the sun and the moon! but failed to say how he was going to action it or pay for it. Ian had the Mana-Internet party, poor man! and spoke a lot about hackers and things that hacked him off-plenty of scope I would have thought with his subject- his usual dry humour shone through. Graeme was Green( but not from something he ate) maybe something he said! his wife does try to get him into eco-friendly foods so he has made a good start- we were not convinced though and Craig had his own party (no not a birthday or Xmas) but a political party and while he was the only member at this election they were going to be in power in 3 years time- Yeah right!!. Good subjects from Darryl and well spoken to by most.

The Area Governor (our member Craig) then spoke to us for about 10 minutes during his first "official visit" to the Club this time around.The subject varied widely from encouraging us in our own goals, encouraging us to find new members and discussion an a possible change of venue. All good stuff!

Laurence our arranged Bard was unable to make the meeting and David stepped in with a short but interesting reading from a book 'Childhood, Youth & Exile' written by Alexander Herzen. In brief, this guy in Russia was to be sent into exile and at a farewell party baked a delicious pie for all the guests, after they had eaten their fill he told them about the pet dog that had been killed to provide the meat for the pie! Could have put several people off their lunch-or brought it all back for them!-Good choice! and well read David.

Jen evaluated Table Topics and had brief comments for all the speakers with commendations and some recommendations, she decided that David had the best Table Topic- but that does not mean she is going to vote Act!!
Mike, had the almost final say with his General Evaluation assisted by Timekeeper Wendy, Wendy managed the times well and we were a few minutes early so extra Table Topics were called for, meanwhile Mike summed the meeting up well, and then covered several other irrevelant but interesting points attempting to fill in the time, he had some good suggestions for Jen in her Table Topics Evaluation and felt the meeting was as usual interesting.

The last two Table Topics were handed to Wendy, The Aotearoa Legalise Canibus ?? party, and Wendy was right into plenty of dope about her party and why we should vote for her- sounded really cool , man and was a laid back reply( the Best Table Topic had already been awarded at this stage!). Jen finished up with the National Party (must have been the Blue coat she was wearing)-tried and true,vote blue- the key was you know what you are getting- Judith Collins again!!!

A meeting with a difference but still interesting and fun filled-no meeting at Pania is Ordinary and this one was no exception- Well done to all involved.

Get well soon Carol!

Best Evaluator- Jen
Best Table Topic- David.

Don't forget that subs are due to David (not the Methodist Church!)  by 20th September- get in early and get the discount.

See you all next week- and the following week we have the Table Topics Contest.

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