Club No 1996

Club No 1996

Wednesday, 30 October 2013

"Those Were The Days of Goblins & Gouls!"

Well here we are Thursday 31st October, Halloween, and that was the theme put forward by Toastmaster Craig for today's Pania meeting, 13 members attended and two guests, Justin, a first time guest, bravely tackled a Table Topic (hope this did not put him off) and the other guest was our esteemed Area Governor, Ian Wright from Hastings, who was on his first 'official visit'.

Friday, 25 October 2013


What an excellent attendance , 13 members plus one guest ,Carol, and she was awarded the best Table Topics! well deserved, what a great start!!
The attendance was also worthy of mention, this is Hawkes Bay show week (not known in the past for people coming to enjoy our meetings  before the long weekend) Well done everyone!

Thursday, 17 October 2013


Pania's meeting of the 17th October was attended by 11 members and was well run and kept to good time by the Toastmaster Ian and Timekeeper Mike.
Ian produced a clear and concise program and connected the relevant items with his usual dry humour and professionalism it was also excellent to welcome back Jane & Russell who have been away for several months.

Thursday, 10 October 2013


The meeting on 10th October was all about "Local Bodies"-Elections that is!, Wendy our Toastmaster's theme was in her usual bright and breezy style, lots of colour and ingenuity-Well done, Wendy-most enjoyable!
Sue McM was our first speaker with an attention grabbing title "Creaks & Aches", it was all about Arthritis, which made for compelling listening especially as it effects all ages. This was a Project seven assignment 'Research your Subject' and Sue did a marvellous job giving a well balanced view point and hope for those who suffer from this deliberating illness. Darryl, her Evaluator gave both praise and suggestions for improvement. Darryl continues to show great promise, his first Evaluation was only in July and he goes from strength to strength.
Our second speaker, Graeme gave a 'Persuade with Power' speech entitled "Food for Thought". Graeme gave three examples on relatively current events which he saw as cause for concern. Ian gave  insightful comments , which would be of great benefit to Graeme.
Table Topics followed with Cheryl, she chose a 'vote for me' theme which tied in very nicely with Wendy's theme for the day.
Ian was asked his opinion on parking wardens handing out lollipops instead of fine notices, Ian was in full cry when he suddenly stopped and asked "how much time do I have?" Darryl had to put his spin on putting 'ratbags' into stocks (in a Public Place) so people could throw things at them, Darryl left us in no doubt as to where he stood and did it all in 36secs. Isaac gave his thoughts on people being allowed to light bonfires on the beach  while having a picnic. He gave a thought provoking answer which included throwing all sorts of things on the bonfire-a chance to let off steam perhaps? sure took us by surprise!
Graeme was asked his opinion on rock climbing, which he thought was a good idea, providing no ropes were used! As you can tell Table Topics allowed the participants to use a lot of imagination and we all had a fun time. Thank you Cheryl.
General Business included that the V/P Education would provide a new forward programme on 17th October, mention was made that Barbara is representing Area D2 at the Divisional finals on Saturday in Rotorua in the Table Topics Contest, Good Luck Barbara.
Members were invited to Napier Toastmaster's Demonstration meeting on 14th October and asked to give it their support. There could be a spin off for Pania Club as well.
Noel as General Evaluator showed his expertise and experience in giving very good advice, such as Evaluators using 3rd person approach with their feedback. Thank you Noel for your well reasoned comments, Pania is fortunate to have someone with your experience.
Jen gave her Timekeeper's report which clearly showed she had listened well.
Before closing mention must be made of the Programme that Wendy had, they are always worth a mention and today's was no exception.

A great meeting-lots of learning and laughter. Our meetings reinforce why Toastmasters are so special-well done everyone!
Best Speaker was Sue McM;
Evaluator; Darryl and Table Topics; Isaac.

and a special thanks to Graeme for writing this report in the absence of Craig or Jan.

Friday, 4 October 2013


The Evolution of mobile computers and The Phantom of the Opera were the ingredients served up by our two speakers at Pania's meeting on 3rd October. Darryl (Toastmaster for the day) served up an excellent fare with some extremely interesting 'internet acronyms' to fill in between items.