The Magic of Believing.
Tamara was the first time Toastmaster and had a well laid out
and colourful programme with the theme The Magic of Believing. She also had a
new and very practical room lay out, although the TM’s table could have been set
further back to enable the speakers to include everyone.
Sandy was the first speaker with her informative presentation
about the consequences of global warming. Sandy was introduced and evaluated by
Lou. Her first time as an evaluator. Lou did a very good job and told us a
little about Sandy in her introduction and read the speech objectives. She
referred to the objectives again in her evaluation and spoke in the third
person. Her recommendation for Sandy was to slow down a little.
Graeme was the second speaker with a presentation from the
Competent Communicator manual. For the eighth time apparently! Graeme told us
about his trip around the lower South Island on his new motor bike when he was
just 21. He sent telegrams (a pre-internet email) to his Mum at every stop and
was home in time for tea.
Graeme was evaluated by Darryl who commended his vocal
variety and picked up on Graeme’s phrasing of a sentence and found a flaw in
Graeme’s time and distance calculations.
Craig was the Table Topics Master and kept to The Magic of
Believing theme. He quoted words from the I Believe song, but didn’t actually
sing. The four Table Topics were all about belief. The afterlife, self-esteem,
Santa Claus and is NZ all it is promoted to be?
Table Topics were evaluated by Marc with good commendations
and recommendations.
The meeting was well summarised by the General Evaluator, Mike, who had stepped in at the last minute and he was assisted by the Timekeeper, Linda, who was a little late arriving but got us finished on time!!(Ed)
Best Speaker – Sandy
Best Evaluator – Marc
Best Table Topics - Linda
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