Club No 1996

Club No 1996

Wednesday, 9 May 2018


"Celebration Time !! Ah Ha!"

Celebration was the theme for today's Pania Toastmaster's meeting well run by Anna, Toastmaster for the day, who connected the items together in a celebratory manner with her usual enthusiasm and exuberance!!

While a smallish number of members attended we had an excellent meeting, with one guest, Barbara (Laurel's sister), two great speeches and Table Topics. First up was Patrick, introduced by Laurel, Patrick was doing his second speech from the Pathways program 'Motivational Strategies' entitled "I can do anything!" He went on to prove that even with his serious accident many years ago-he probably still can do anything. Spoke about a walk/run that he did last weekend of 28kms, including uphill sections and tackling mud!  A long day (over 6 hours-but who is counting?), the point is he completed the course on track for a triatholon!! Patrick's (for whom English is a second language) is coming on extremely well and this speech was no exception.
In her evaluation, Laurel, rightly praised Patrick for his many good points and was able to give him a couple of excellent suggestions for improvement, particularly how he could go about implementing those suggestions. Well done to both Patrick and Laurel.

Next speaker was, Linda, introduced by Carol, Linda's speech was again from the same 'path' as Patricks, again the second assignment and was entitled "Hale & Hearty!" Linda explained the need for good health both physically and mentally drawing on her work as a Psychologist in four areas (Sleep, Nutrition,Exercise and Stress). A very well constructed speech and while some technical terms were utilised the material was presented in such a manner to enable the 'layman' to understand.Congratulations, Linda, interesting and educational, and well put across.Carol , in her evaluation, had excellent structure to it and and many compliments for Linda, plus a couple of worthwhile suggestions. Excellent.

Table topics was run  by Jen, and she prewarned members that they would be based around our theme of Celebration. Mike ,Anna & Carol were the lucky recipients of questions and all answered well with good structure and humour. A really fun session!!
Graeme evaluated Table Topics in his usual efficient and humorous manner, with some 'tongue in cheek' suggestions to the speakers all taken in good heart.(must have been a flow on from Linda's speech!!)

The business session by Craig covered the Conference in Auckland last weekend, where unfortunately our Marc went overtime in the Evaluation Contest!!! Timing is important. Past member Kerry is to be our new Area Director (we will be in Area M2 with Palmerston North/Whanganui).Also when doing a speech from the Pathways program, the speaker must bring along a copy of the Evaluation form for the evaluator to complete.

Craig wrapped up the meeting with a quick General Evaluation assisted by the Timekeeper Lou.

Best Speaker; Linda
Best Evaluator; Laurel
Best Table Topic; Carol

We do it all again next week, come along and enjoy!!

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