Club No 1996

Club No 1996

Friday, 27 April 2018


19th April 2018
Today’s meeting was a lively affair, orchestrated by our Toastmaster of the day Craig. With two excellent speeches and four Table Topics there was plenty of mental stimulation for all. He also did a good job acknowledging the achievements of Mark and Mike in the recent International speech contest. 

Tamara gave the first speech of the meeting and she was given a warm and personal introduction by Carol. This was Tamara’s icebreaker speech and she entertained us all with her description of her travels to the Burning Man that takes place annually in the Nevada Desert. I had heard of this festival before, but was fascinated to hear her experiences of actually being there and what draws her back. A community of like-minded people sharing their performance skills and belongings is an interesting concept. This was a well presented speech and it showcased Tamara’s speaking skills and interests.
The second speech was given by Lou and this was expertly introduced and evaluated by Graeme. Swimming has been a passion of hers since she was a child and she told us about her journey with the sport. Starting with her swim across Lake Taupo several years ago, which in itself is a major achievement, Lou described both that event and her frustrations at not yet completing the local Ocean Swim. Her use of yearly progress markers in pursuit of this goal through ‘stingrays’ and seaweed gave her speech an excellent structure and engaged us in her struggles.
Tabletopics Master Anna took us on a road trip with the help of the four TT speakers, and her family’s ‘sausage’ game.
‘What happens in your car on a long trip’ - Noel doesn’t have young children so he has the luxury of adult conversation with his wife and the National programme. Their trips are also guided by their interests in food and golf, so the Cuisine and Golfers Guide are well thumbed.
‘What is your favourite café on a trip’ – Christy revealed a coffee addiction and while she hasn’t been on many trips recently, she soon warmed to the theme and told us about her favourite local coffee spots around town.
‘What music do you listen to on the road’ – Mike is a Leonard Cohen fan and listens to his ‘melancholy’ ballads, he has even made his partner a convert. His eclectic tastes include all the old classics of Pink Floyd and Jethro Tull (excellent choices) but he is banned from playing jazz as that is a bridge to far for his partner.
What advice would you give for tourists driving on NZ roads – Laurel had no hesitation in telling us that both tourists and locals need to be more aware of driving on the left and not cutting corners.
Patrick was our TT evaluator and he found useful commendations and recommendations for everyone except for Laurel. Her long experience at this sometimes challenging activity was evident for all to see.
The meeting was well summed up by General Evaluator, Linda assisted by Timekeeper , Laurel. (Ed)
Best Speaker – Lou
Best Evaluator – Graeme
Best Table Topic - Laurel

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