Carol "To see or not to see" was giving her Project 7 Speech from the Competent Communicator manual (Research Your Topic) and clearly showed that she had researched her subject by giving facts. examples and illustrations to support her line of thought.Statistics such as 285 million impaired sight people through-out the world added impact to her speech.She also included personal evidence to highlight some of the problems facing people today.
Graeme in his evaluation of her speech, congratulated her on achieving the objectives and suggested that stating the source of the information would have given the speech even mote credibility. He did like that Carol adopted a serious approach right through her speech to such a serious world-wide issue.

Laurence presented a persuasive speech called "Vaccine Dilemma" in which he was not only able to quote but also show written examples supporting the stance he was taking.He suggested that as the number of vaccinations increased so to does the number of those suffering from Autism- thought provoking indeed!
Jen, in her evaluation, praised Laurence on his ability to grab and hold the audience's attention. The Speech was beautifully rounded off with a whistle blowing conclusion.-Thanks Jen.

Table Topics with Jeanette (her first time) was excellent, with all of the subjects 'age related' Mike was asked "Your most significant childhood memory" his honesty came through quite strongly- he simply didn't know and couldn't remember. Jen "Favorite age" was when she was two years old, what a memory, she clearly remembered being a good looking child.(and no doubt good as well!)
"What age would you like to have again?" Wendy said age 30 years old and knowing what she knows now (don't we all wish that?) Seems, for some obscure reason, she has given this subject a lot of thought! Noel was "90 today" and spoke of his 94 year old Grandmother with great word pictures and what a wonderful person she must be?
Barbara was Table Topics Evaluator and had a commendation/recommendation for each speaker-pertinent and helpful (Excellent report)

Wendy gave her General Evaluation report and it was amazing that she was able to cover so much detail in a very short time frame, very good advice for everyone, thanks Wendy-pity that your time was restricted-lets ensure that we give the G/E sufficient time in the future.

Our Toastmaster of the day was Darryl and he had an excellent programme with a space exploration theme threaded through the meeting ( not only interesting but also very informative), just a shame that our 50 minute time frame can be so restrictive, but a well run meeting Darryl.

An excellent attendance and the new room layout appeared to meet with everyone's approval- good standards and great company.
Best Speaker; Carol & Laurence
Best Evaluator; Jen
Best Table Topic; Noel.
and we will see you all again on Thursday 27th.
Thanks to Graeme for the report and all the best to Laurel for a speedy recovery.
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