Club No 1996

Club No 1996

Thursday, 10 July 2014


Nine members and two Guests (Sandra & Keith) attended Pania's meeting on Thursday 10th July and were to learn the secrets of Home Brewing per David's speech entitled "Plain Barmy". Jen, Toastmaster of the day,welcomed us all and particularly the two guests who appeared to enjoy the meeting.

David's speech was introduced by his Evaluator Mike, who explained that he was presenting an assignment from the Advanced Technical Communication Manual in explaining a complex technical  process to a non-technical audience.(that was certainly us!). David achieved his objectives particularly well and while we may not have all been able to rush home and 'make a brew' he certainly gave us a basic insight into the ingredients required to do so and the processes involved. It was also well explained as to what the ingredients did to the finished result, which he pored (pre-brewed)  and tasted.David had all the ingredients ready with him and also also the required pots/pans etc. Well done David, we know that you are an avid brewer (and presumably drinker of the resultant brew!) and it was very interesting to find out about the process, in layman's terms. Next time a sample for us all would be great!!!
Mike, congratulated David for his preparation and presentation and suggested that in the time available he could not really have achieved more- but it would have been good to actually had some more time to learn how to brew.He commended David on the items used and particularly the white board with the process clearly demonstrated as David went through the different stages.

As we had a cancellation at the last minute (it happens with busy people) we had an extended Table Topics session run by Wendy, Graeme was first up with the need to finish a sentence "There was an old lady" no this one did not live in a shoe but the topic was turned around to old men (not that Graeme knew much about that!). Jen had "ring a ring a rosy", turned out she does not like roses and prefers lillies on her birthday (hubby usually obliges-apart from when he forgets) and feels that roses should be for wedding aniversaries.
Carol, "there was a crooked man" spoke well about crooked houses-not that she lives in one! Craig-"30 days" said he could never remember that rhyme but told us about what could happen in 30 days (today was off course the anniversary of Decimal Currency (1967) and what happened before and after 30 days either side of that. Keith(a guest who volunteered for a Table Topic) had "The Queen of Hearts" did extremely well in relating to people's liking of tarts and also utilised some of the previous topics in his presentation.David "Jack & Jill went up the hill" what for we wonder? well apparently only to fetch water, David gave us an excellent and as usual humorous reply. Finally Mike "Jake the Peg" yes he did sing? a little of the song and spoke about the fact that Mr Harris's art is no longer apparently desirable, should art be the artist or the art?
Well done Mike! Great topics Wendy and she also gave out a copy of the rhyme to each speaker after they had finished. (so now I can remember how many days hath September!)

Jen maintained good control of the meeting and kept the guests well informed as to what was going on-well done Jen for your role, particularly with a couple of late deflections.Ian kept us to time and the General Evaluator Craig gave us some useful feedback assisted by Carol who evaluated Table Topics (no easy task with so many speakers) well done Carol (your children took several pictures while you were 'performing'-trust they turned out well!).

Next week we are to be visited by the Division Governor, Richard Perkins from Rotorua, so let's have a great turnout and off course the usual tremendous meeting!

Best Table Topic; Craig
Best Evaluator; Mike
Best Speaker; David.

See you all next week, when Jan will be deputising for the President;

1 comment:

  1. I will definitely be there next week, and looking forward to meeting the Division Governor.
