The Title of David's speech today at Pania's meeting overseen by Darryl our Toastmaster of the day, who welcomed us all. A small but vocal turnout and a great meeting was to follow.A standout feature of today's meeting was the Agenda, extremely well set out and in colour, with visuals of various computers through the ages. This was excellent work Darryl and it also tied in very nicely with David's Speech.
Grammarian, Carol, introduced the word of the day 'ridiculously', while it may have happen a tad late it was amazing how appropriate that word was as the meeting progressed, it was almost as if we had advanced warning! Thank you Carol.
David's speech was introduced and evaluated by Barbara, who gave him a very encouraging lead in along with the objectives relating to "Research Your Topic" from the Competent Communication Manual.
David gave us an enthusiastic account of computers based both from research through the Hastings Library and some personal experiences. Not only was it interesting but also very informative, it would be fair to say that David was "in his zone". The books shown helped us to understand the complex nature of such a topic and it seemed that David would have liked a lot more time in which to cover further examples.
In her evaluation Barbara gave David a comprehensive review of the speech incorporating both praise and suggestions for improvement.The praise certainly outweighed the suggestions, the feedback David received would have helped him with one suggestion about having a stronger opening (very good example given) and the other was that David should ignore distractions from the audience. Excellent Barbara, most helpful.
Table Topics, run by Graeme were of a general nature, with a one minute time frame and members were requested to use their imagination!. Carol, was asked "as a Silver Fern-what heights have you reached?", no one knew that Carol had a netball background and were delighted with her response.
"The Queen's Birthday Honours list- and you were not mentioned- how do you feel?" Ian answered giving a well reasoned response, while holding back the tears!!
"Your Expertise in Coaching is required by the All Blacks-tell us more" Darryl surprised us with the ease that he was able to answer the question-well done!
"tennis wants you to represent NZ at Wimbeldon" Jen, basically told us straight that she was unable to play and gave us very sound reasons why not.
Jen, was also timekeeper and gave us an excellent re[port, which showed that not only had she watched and listened but also found a new way to signal times to those taking part.
My compliments go to Darryl on giving the members a little bit of background with regard to the various computers shown on the day's agenda. He interspersed the remarks with gaps on the programme-well done and very interesting.
Wendy provided great feedback with mot only the Table Topics but also with her General Evaluation, she is an asset to the Club and today was a very good example of how to balance praise and suggestions so that people feel what they do is worthwhile.
This was no ordinary meeting, the humour and laughter was contagious, memorable and bordering on marvellous. Why not come and see for yourself?
Best Speaker; David
Best Evaluator; Barbara
Best Table Topic; Darryl.
Thanks again to Graeme for the reporting!
Sounds like fun, sorry I missed the meeting!