Another busy and absorbing meeting today, with 13 members present, including our newest member, Pip Green, who will be inducted into the Club next week.
Toastmaster Laurence flew in and took his place at the Table of Authority.
First speaker was introduced by Viv. Cheryl presented her second speech, entitled “Give It A Go”. We were treated to a trip to one of NZ’s 14 National Parks, the Urewera, and beautiful Lake Waikaremoana, and encouraged us to go see it for ourselves – lots of walking and climbing involved in this “pristine paradise.” Viv gave Cheryl several suggestions for next time, to improve on her presentation.
Brenda was second speaker, introduced by Graeme. Brenda chose to present speech 9, speak with power. And she did! Some great words, emotion to add to the speech’s
power. The title told us what Brenda was leading us toward” Would you spend an hour with the elderly?” Graeme’s suggestions were appropriate and helpful for Brenda’s next speech. Graeme was awarded Best Evaluator for his effort. Brenda’s speech was awarded the Best Speech for the day.
During the business session we received duties for next week, with T/M Jen. Also reminded to give to Barbara some short pen portraits of ourselves, for inclusion in the newsletter (also circulated today and emailed to everyone). Barbara will supply a questionnaire to aid the details required.
Table Topics were in Darryl’s hands. He used famous lines from movies, to twist a question for the participants to answer.
“It doesn’t work” ( 2001: A Space Odessey) – Barbara was asked to talk about a [piece of technology which doesn’t work. She had hot off the press personal experience to share with her on-line diary out of commission for a week! Not good from her point of view as everything has gone into the ‘cloud’.
“Keep you dirty, filthy hands off me you dirty, filthy ape “(or words to that effect, from ‘Planet of the Apes’) Mike had much delight in telling us that he would hate a leech to have it’s ‘mouth’ on him. The famous line from ‘Casablanca’ (‘Play it for me, Sam’) was tackled by Pip with her choice of song she’d like played again. Her song? “Girls Just want to Have fun.”
Jan’s words came from “Star Wars”, and as Alec Guinness told Luke Skywalker, “use the force”. She rambled about a speech she once did, then told about advice she was given as a teenager and in due course passed it on to her teenagers. Who took no notice.
Barbara’s topic was chosen, by T/T Evaluator, Noel Evans, to be the best of the topics. Noel had suggestions and commendations for the speakers, and also commended Darryl on his preparation, the first time as T/T Master.
Barbara’s topic was chosen, by T/T Evaluator, Noel Evans, to be the best of the topics. Noel had suggestions and commendations for the speakers, and also commended Darryl on his preparation, the first time as T/T Master.
Timekeeper Wendy kept us to time, and we did!
The meeting was summed up by General Evaluator, Ian, who also kept us to time with a brief summary of how he had seen the meeting.
Another glorious HB day in which to celebrate another successful Pania meeting.
“You’ve all done very well.” (Young Mr Grace)
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